University of Vermont

University of Vermont

The University of Vermont (UVM) joined the NIACS partnership in 2017. UVM is home to the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources. The UVM Forestry Program emphasizes research and training students toward the goal of managing forests for resilience, adaptation, climate mitigation, and a full range of ecosystem services. UVM manages four University of Vermont Forests as well as 10 natural areas throughout the state. 

Learn more about UVM

UVM Engagement in NIACS 

  • Three NIACS staff are employed through UVM, supporting a variety of projects contributing to climate change adaptation throughout the Northeast US and beyond. 
  • UVM leads the Second College Grant site as part of the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change project and is helping to provide science synthesis and information delivery across the network. 
  • UVM is collaborating with fellow NIACS partner NCASI to study the effectiveness of tree planting for climate adaptation and to identify climate-smart forestry approaches to meet diverse objectives and minimize tradeoffs with other values. 
  • UVM is working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to develop climate adaptation strategies for four National Wildlife Refuges in the northern forest region.