The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) project is a collaborative effort to establish a series of experimental silvicultural trials across a network of different forest ecosystem types throughout the United States and Canada. Over 10 years, the ASCC Network has grown to include 14 installations, reaching from northern British Columbia to southern Georgia. These trials provide robust examples of how to integrate climate change adaptation into silvicultural planning and management.
The ASCC Network was created by NIACS team members and partners to provide an experimental framework and research treatments using the same set of adaptation resources and complementing the Climate Change Response Framework adaptation demonstrations. We have helped to lead the ASCC project since its origin in 2009, and silvicultural treatments at each study site are developed using the Adaptation Workbook. NIACS staff from the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and the University of Vermont maintain critical leadership and collaborator roles in the Network.
NIACS team members Maria Janowiak, Courtney Peterson, and Maria Vicini manage and coordinate network activities.