Danielle Shannon
Title: Coordinator of the USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub
Affiliation: Michigan Technological University
Focus Area: Forest and Water Resources Management, Climate Adaptation, Communications
Email: dshannon@mtu.edu
(Patricia) Danielle's primary focuses are on climate adaptation and science delivery to support the integration of climate change information into land-use planning and decision-making at the project and landscape scale across the Midwest and Northeast region. As part of a broader team, she provides technical assistance to land managers who are responding to the challenges of climate change in their planning through direct consultations and in regional trainings.
As a research staff in the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences at Michigan Technological University, and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS), Danielle works with the National Hub program and regional Hub partners to build partnerships with regional stakeholders. Leveraging her M.S. from the University of Minnesota in Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management, Danielle has helped to expand the suite of adaptation resources available at the Northern Forests Climate Hub to reach practitioners in the field of forest hydrology and the management of wetlands and forested watersheds. These resources bridge climate adaptation concepts to wetland and watershed management and are tailored for natural resource professionals and landowners seeking to help ecosystems cope with and adapt to a changing climate.
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