Kailey Marcinkowski

Woman standing in front of rock wall

Kailey Marcinkowski

Title: Science Visual Information Specialist

Affiliation: Michigan Technological University

Focus Area: Science Communication and outreach, Graphic Design and Visual information resources, Publication Layout and Design, Digital Accessibility

Email: kfmarcin@mtu.edu

Kailey is a Science Visual Information Specialist with NIACS. She works across the NIACS team and with partners to plan, design, and create visual information resources for diverse audiences. These resources include infographics, website graphics, scientific graphics, and digital and print publications (and more!). She ensures these products are produced according to relevant styling, branding, and visual guidelines and ensures they comply with accessibility standards.

Kailey enjoys turning technical and scientific concepts into fun, understandable, and pretty visuals, and she probably spends far too long deciding on fonts and color palettes. 

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